Shaggy Parasol

Macrolepiota rhacodes

13th November 2018, Petts Wood and Hawkwood
Growing through leaf litter in mixed woods. One. Cap 9cm. Stem 10cm. Slight mushroom smell. ID is almost sure. Sporeprint White. Spores 7-9.5µ x 5.5-7µ.

25th September 2015, Oldbury Hill, Borough Green
Growing in leaf litter under oak. Lots scattered around. Cap 10-13cm, up to 20cm high. Smell earthy and mushroomy. These surely must be Shaggy Parasols, despite the great height of some, because the spores are too small for any other type of parasol. ID is fairly likely. Spores 7.5-10.5µ x 4.5-6µ.

14th November 2014, Knole Park, Sevenoaks
Growing in grass. Group of three. Cap 12cm. Height 14cm. No smell. Sporeprint white. Spores 11-13µ x 7.5-9.5µ.

27th October 2013, Farran Forest Park, Ireland
Growing in a hedge bank. Cap 4-8cm. Not much smell. The 1st picture is a smaller one and the 2nd a larger one from below. ID is very likely.
